Diagnosing the Source of Chronic Pain
We all know the importance of an accurate diagnosis for chronic pain. Let me say, there are many very good doctors out there. However, I frequently have patients come to me with stories about their challenging experiences within our medical system. The stories often go something like this.
Chronic Pain Scenario
The story begins by you going to your doctor asking for help with your pain. You find that the doc doesn’t actually examine you, or do any testing. They may have simply told you to take anti-inflammatory drugs. Maybe you even went back later, hoping to find clarity. At this point they send you to Physical Therapy, which either doesn’t help or perhaps even makes things worse. So…back you go, this time hoping for a diagnosis, and begging for some testing or some kind of real guidance. Maybe you get an X-Ray and/or an MRI. This may show nothing, or a few things that don’t impress your doctor. Finally, either you or the doctor have reached your limit. Off you go to the specialist who says they can’t help you either. Or, they tell you that you have fibromyalgia, or that you need to loose weight. They might even tell you that it’s all in your head. The one constant in this drama is that your pain continues.
We see this frequently in our office. It is always accompanied by a marked distrust of the medical system and sometimes accompanied by medical trauma (a lasting emotional hurt from the painful interaction with the doctor)
Doctor Tucker Makes the Diagnosis
I am a board certified Sports Medicine Specialist who focuses first on proper diagnosis. I’ve had my own journey of chronic pain that does not fit into a common syndrome. After taking courses in Osteopathy, and Functional Movement, I deepened my understanding of what was wrong. However, my most informative laboratory for understanding chronic pain is my own hyper-mobile body. Because of my personal experience, I can give valuable insights into strengthening, ergonomics and treatment. Just as importantly, I will tell you if I am unable to help you and if there is someone I can recommend.